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Let The Imagination Run Wild!: 1-2 Years

Let The Imagination Run Wild!: 1-2 Years

    • Use shape sorters to help strengthen fine motor and problem solving skills!
    • Don’t be afraid to get messy! Find a mud pile in your yard and pat it down to make your own mud pie!
    • "I Spy" is a great car game to hone communication skills!
    • Make macaroni necklaces to help creativity and fine motor skills.
    • Paint your own canvas! Let your child decorate the pavement or a fence and show off their creative minds by painting a picture of how they see the world.

As babies move into their second year of life their brains are rapidly developing. Having only been in the world for a short while, they do not yet understand the limitations of physics and biology – for them anything is possible!

At this age, your child will be gaining valuable experience, increasing engagement and exploring the world on a completely new and different level. At the same time they will be developing muscle by practicing coordination and stamina. Kids’ imaginations will also be at a peak during this time so nurturing your child’s imagination will be hugely beneficial to future development as it facilitates problem solving!

"...Your child will be gaining valuable experience, increasing engagement and exploring the world..."

This is the perfect time to incorporate healthy amounts of playful activity into your child’s daily routine, which will promote life-long health and well being! Try these easy play ideas with them at home!

  • Shape sorters are great to strengthen fine motor and problem solving skills! Your child will love organizing shapes into the correct holes. You may need to assist them at first, but it won’t take long for them to master this activity!

  • Got a fussy eater? This playful activity is perfect for them! Give your child plastic or paper props (spoons, bowls, napkins, etc.) and let them feed their doll while you feed them. It will help them learn appropriate behavior at mealtime.

  • Mud pies can be messy, but are such a great way to get kids outdoors! All you need is a bowl, water and area of mud. Add water to make the mud sticky and then pat down into the bowl. Flip the bowl over and your mud pie is served!

  • The game “I Spy” is perfect for family travelers. Prompt your toddler with something like “I spy something that is green.” Have your child point to the first thing they see that fits the description.

  • Let imagination and creativity take over! Give your child some of your old clothes for a game of dress up. Photos of the silly outfits will offer great memories in years to come.

  • Make macaroni necklaces with your child! Take the pasta (penne works best) and paint or dip in glitter to decorate. Thread pasta onto a string and you have a new statement piece!

  • Find a blank area around your yard (garden wall, fence, or pavement) and make it your child’s blank canvas. Give your child a bucket of water and a large paintbrush and help them strengthen those arm muscles while encouraging creativity by painting a masterpiece!

Entering your child’s imaginary world can be lots of fun not only for your child but for parents too. Let them lead the way and try not to quash the flights of fancy with too much realism – there is plenty of time for that later in life!

    • Use shape sorters to help strengthen fine motor and problem solving skills!
    • Don’t be afraid to get messy! Find a mud pile in your yard and pat it down to make your own mud pie!
    • "I Spy" is a great car game to hone communication skills!
    • Make macaroni necklaces to help creativity and fine motor skills.
    • Paint your own canvas! Let your child decorate the pavement or a fence and show off their creative minds by painting a picture of how they see the world.

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