young girl playing outside covered in snowflakes

10 Outdoor Play Ideas for the Perfect Snow Day

  • Active play is critical for kids’ physical development – all year round! Going outside to run, jump, yell, and wiggle allows children to use their muscles and work off extra energy!

    Kids will stay outside longer if they’re warm, comfy and dry. Proper clothes are a must for winter outdoor play— winter coat, snow pants, hats, scarves, mittens, and boots.

    The body stays warmer when you're active rather than when you’re standing still, so plan lots of fun activities for outdoor play on winter days.

    Visit to learn more.

Once the snow has settled and your kids are bundled up, snowball fights and building forts and snow people are go-to activities to get kids outside and entertained. But when their fuel tanks run low, you may find yourself on the hunt for some new cold weather-approved activities to occupy their time outdoors, and yours. Below are 10 outdoor activities to keep in your arsenal for the next cold, snowy day.

Slip and Slide
No sled? No problem! Grab a large plastic garbage bag or pieces of cardboard and kids are ready to launch!

Frozen Bubbles
You might think bubbles are just for sunny weather but if the temperature dips below 32 degrees, kids will be in for a real surprise when they hit the outdoors for this activity!

Balloon Ball
Perfect to play on soft, snowy surfaces, the activity requires nothing more than a snow shovel to serve as your “net” and a balloon to toss.

Bottle Bowling
Modify this activity for a bit more creative play on a snowy day by constructing pins out of snow for play. You might not be able to reset as quickly for a second game, but “knocking” them down is sure wow little ones.

Freeze Tag
Looking for a way to keep kids moving and warm on a cold day outdoors? Play this game and don’t get caught to avoid the freeze!

Who says you can’t play hopscotch in the snow? Break out the food coloring to create a colorful hopscotch grid to play outdoors.

Seek and Find
Add a snowy twist to this sneaky game by hiding items that get kids excited about celebrating the season, such as a pair of gloves.

Simon Says
A great option to play at any time of the year, modify this classic game for some winter weather fun by adding prompts like “waddle like a penguin” or “make a snow angel.”

Snow Painting
Thanks to a clean white slate of snow, the world can truly be a kid’s endless canvas in this creativity-fueled activity. All you need is food dye to get started.

Marco Polo
Turn this classic game into a winter edition. Sub in a snowy yard for the pool and be sure to step carefully through the snow. If you’re too loud, you could get caught!


  • Active play is critical for kids’ physical development – all year round! Going outside to run, jump, yell, and wiggle allows children to use their muscles and work off extra energy!

    Kids will stay outside longer if they’re warm, comfy and dry. Proper clothes are a must for winter outdoor play— winter coat, snow pants, hats, scarves, mittens, and boots.

    The body stays warmer when you're active rather than when you’re standing still, so plan lots of fun activities for outdoor play on winter days.

    Visit to learn more.

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